Saturday, January 2, 2010


Those of you who live in my world will understand the meaning of those four letters and those who don't, well, you will. We learn and forget so many things throughout the course of each day, week, month and decade. The consequences of these lapses, as my dad would say, are that we end up hearing the same lesson again in different forms over and over until the thickness of our head bones can be overcome. Today I was taught a very valuable lesson.

Nothing is an accident. Everything does indeed happen for a reason. People, as well as hurdles, are put in our path (some say way) to remind us of what we lack, overlook and sometimes just forget. Jolene is a cancer surviving, fibromyalgia diagnosed, 18 months sober, mother and second-class citizen. Meaning a tough lady who has learned a lot about life and still keeps her head up. Pleasant and engaging. Upbeat and earnest. She reminded me that some people are worth meeting and that there is much to do in this world. I'm glad to be able to do my part.Oh yeah and happy froggin' new year!

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