Friday, October 26, 2012

CORN (pt. x, ch x.) First Draft. 1026.2012.frr.

Imagine all the people in a crisis. They all know that each and every one of them was the cause for this grand extinction. They all knew how complacently they managed to keep the home fires burning. Our chickens, home once again. Our full reaping overflowing barn doors. Apples all around. Apples of every shape size and color. The piles gave off a sickly sweet pungency. The mice roam unencumbered through their labyrinths collecting their fair share of the harvest, too.

The wave of cold appeared early this fall and told of winter's snow and crisp starry sky in the making. The morning woke frozen. Bones chilled; and we marveled together at prismatic fields of grass and flower. Dusted limbs and slim sheets of ice created every turn on our road, inviting us forward all the while. Left here. Now two rights. O'er the bridge and up the ridge. See that stone? Now left. The sun now resting on weary shoulders to lend warmth and encouragement.

Pausing for a moment for a drink of water and a refreshing breath, a good time for my heart's repose. The confluence of angels that had brought me to these moments now began to speak once more...