Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ringy Dingy

The sun cam out. It went away. The world got bright. The world got dim. Fire and ice. Skin and bones. Stuff runs it course and some people don't do anything to get better. Some people stay where they are and you find them anywhere. I know what i want to do. I know what you want to do. You know what it is like to be alone, now. I don't have any friends here. I don't really like this place, yet. I hate this feeling and nobody to talk to because my wife thinks this place is awesome. I think it will be awesome, but right now I think its shit. I'm over it all, right now. I need to train up. To be. Toe be. To be. To be.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday- memorial day?

I can't tell you what it felt like to e out there today but what I can tell you is that i enjoyed every bit of it. aving friends and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces was worth te sore arms I will have tomorrow. I can't wait to see my Mom and Dad and they will really enjoy this beautiful place we live in now. Soon.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Morning

I woke and my toe is still blue. The rest of me feels great. My armgina is healing and the skin looks like it wants to be whole again. Talk of going hiking or wake boarding sounds exciting until I realize that either one of these activities would probably piss off my toe. All this not doing over a freakin' pinky toe. For fech's sake!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

and then

The next day came and i went out to start our morning. Coffee and breakfast with a new friend. SOld off things ready to leave and found my family upset, as usual. Why, oh why? This is the only part that sucks. Wish for more better all the time. Is that too much?

Friday, September 2, 2011

So fresh and so clean

I walk through the muck and the mosquitos buzz above me.
Finding the water and diving in to wash away the ooze.
Silence falls over the pond and the first ray of light dances across the surface

Sound hits the water like a pebble and the ripple stirs every creature who feels its wake,
and comes alive.

Thank you for the new day. Time to make the most of it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

If knowledge is power, then we're fuct unless...

I knowledge is power then we are fuct. Fknowledge- the concept that knowledge is power is inherently flawed in that we feel powerful over our environment and the creatures within it. A god-like sense of dominion.

The forbidden fruit was the apple. Someone took a bite out of it and we were all fuct and what if it was only the way we did it that made it wrong. Going behind god's back with the intent to 'show 'em whose boss' kind of attitude is an asshole way to approach it. Its the way a dickish chile would thumb their nose at an adult. Instead, if we approach it with the humility of the student standing before the learn'ed we may be able to overcome the impending doom of disobedience. A wise woman once told me, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." I agree and, I believe, Jesus was preaching that same message. Original sin was bound to happen. God knew this and so did the devil. God got mad, like any good parent would and sent us to our room without dinner. We moped about and thumbed our noses at their ideas and ideals for a while and decided that we would show them. We showed 'em allright. We got fuct in the process and we showed 'em, by golly!

The point, yes the point, I was getting to that. Using knowledge. How do we, as a society, use it? I suggest we remember the concepts of humility and grace. Being humble enough to know that the knowledge we are obtaining are gifts and they should be treated with the proper respect not wielded like a hammer. Being gracious about the power it brings us and keeping that generosity of spirit in mind when we proceed.